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Microsoft Word Help - Page Setup
Microsoft Word Help with step-by-step on how to
change margins & orientation, paper size and the vertical alignment of
text on a page.
Changing Margins & Orientation
Margins are the empty spaces along the left, right, top, and bottom sides of a
page, those spaces between the text and the edge of the page. Headers and
footers are printed in the top and bottom margins, respectively.
Microsoft Word help by pointing these out to you.
Don't confuse margins with
Text is indented from the margin, not from the edge of the page.
If you want to change how far a paragraph
is indented, use the ruler or the Format
► Paragraph
command and change its indentation.
Microsoft Word help you to easily change the margin settings of a
To change the margin settings
of a document, follow these steps:
1. |
Place the cursor where you want to change margins if you are
changing margins in the middle of a document.
Otherwise, to
change the margins in the entire document, it doesn't matter where
you place the cursor. |
2. |
Choose File ► Page Setup from the menu bar, to get
to the Page Setup dialog box. |
3. |
Choose the settings on the Margins tab and watch
the Preview box to see what your choices do: |
TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT or INSIDE and OUTSIDE Set the top, bottom, left and right or inside and
outside margins.
You will see the Inside and Outside setting if you
select Mirror Margins, 2 Pages per sheet or Book
fold from the Multiple Pages list box. |
Fix or Ignore?
If you set your margins to a
too small a size (so small that the printer can't grasp
it), you will get the following message.

Click Fix.
Microsoft Word help by adjusting the incorrect margin to the appropriate
GUTTER Allows extra space on the inside margin for
documents that will be bound.
Click the up arrow
to see what binding looks like as it eats into the
left side of the page and alters the left margin. |
GUTTER POSITION Click the Top option button if you intend to bind
documents from the top, not the left side of
pages. |
APPLY TO Choose "Whole Document" to apply your
settings to the entire document.
"This Section" to apply them to a section.
"This Point Forward" to change the margins
for the rest of a document. When you choose
"This Point Forward", Word creates a new section. |
► Mirror
Margins Choose this option if you want to print on both
sides of the paper and you intend to bind your
That way, you can set the inside margin,
the margin sides of pages where the binding is,
and the outside margin, the margin on the sides of
the pages that is not affected by binding. |
► 2
Pages Per Sheet For printing pamphlets and other types of
documents in which the pages are half the usual
size and are cut in half after printing.
When you
click this check box, the Top margin becomes the
Outside margin, the area in the middle of the page
that may need to be larger so that the page can be
cut, and the Bottom margin becomes the Inside
margin, the area away from the dividing line that doesn't have to be as large.
This is how Microsoft Word help you with pamphlets, for
example. |
4. |
From the Orientation option, choose
Portrait or Landscape. This will turn
your page from upright to on its side. |
5. |
Click OK. |
your own margins!
If you don't care for Words default margin
settings, make your own in the Page Setup dialog
box and click the Default button.
Henceforth, Microsoft Word help you with new documents that you open will
now have
your margin settings.
Microsoft Word help you in another way where you can change the Top and Bottom
margins with the Horizontal ruler, and the Left
and Right margins with the Vertical Ruler in
Print Layout view.
Simply drag the margin bar (the space
where the white and darker color on the ruler meets) up, down,
left or right.
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