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Microsoft Word Fonts

Microsoft Word Fonts for XP

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Learn step-by-step how to change Microsoft Word fonts and add some cool and interesting effects to your text.

Changing Microsoft Word fonts can be lots of fun, lets add something special to your document text. You'll see that doing these changes (and undoing them) are made easy.

Word Office Helper What's on this page...
Changing Fonts, Size & Color
Using the Font dialog box
Changing Character Position & Spacing
Adding Text Effects to your text
Bold, Italic & Underline
Aligning Text
Highlight Text

Changing Fonts, Size & Color

Font is the catchall name for type style and type size. When you change fonts, you choose another style of type or change the size of letters. Word offers a whole bunch of different fonts. You can see their names by clicking the down-arrow next to the Font drop-down list and scrolling down the list.

Word Office Helper Fonts with TT beside their names are TrueType fonts.

These fonts look the same on-screen as they do when printed on paper.

You can also find free downloadable Microsoft Word Fonts to add to your font list.
To change the Microsoft Word fonts, follow these steps:
1. Select the text or place the cursor where you want the Microsoft Word fonts to change.
2. Click the down arrow on the Font drop-down list from the Formatting Toolbar. You see the names of fonts, each one dressed up and looking exactly like itself. Word puts all the fonts you've used so far in the document at the top of the Font drop-down list to make it easier for you to find the fonts you use most often.
3. Scroll down the list of fonts, if necessary.
4. Click the font name you want to use.
It's easy to change the font with the Font drop-down list.
Microsoft Word Fonts: font drop-down list box
To change the size of Microsoft Word fonts text, follow these steps:

1. Select the text or place the cursor where you want the larger or smaller letters to start appearing.
2. Click the down arrow on the Font Size drop-down list, located on the Formatting Toolbar.
3. Scroll down the list if you want a large font.
4. Click a point size 8, 12, 36, 48, etc.
Use the Font Size button to change the size of text, or type in a new size of your choice.
Microsoft Word Fonts: font size drop-down list box
You can also change font sizes quickly by selecting the text and pressing CTRL + SHIFT + >, or by clicking in the Font Size drop-down list, entering a point size yourself, and pressing Enter.

Word Office Helper Using the Font Dialog box

To change fonts and font sizes at the same time,
choose Format ► Font and make your choices
in the Font dialog box.

Type (Font size) is measured in points. A point is 1/72 of an inch. The larger the point size, the larger the letters. Business and love letters usually use 10- or 12-point type.

For headings, choose a larger point size.
To change the Color of Microsoft Word fonts text, follow these steps:

If you're lucky enough to own or have access to a color printer, you can print text in different colors. And even if you don't own a color printer, you can change the color of text on-screen. You may do that to call attention to parts of a document or Web page. For example, Word offers 35 colors, plus white, black, and four gray shades, as a standard list to choose from. You can also click More Colors to have a wider choice of colors to choose from.

1. Select the text.
2. Click the down arrow beside the Font Color button (located at the end of the Formatting Toolbar) and click a color, black, white, or one of the four gray shades.
To change the color of the Font is as easy as clicking a button.
Microsoft Word Fonts: font color drop-down list box

After you choose a color, the Font Color button changes color and becomes the color you chose. To apply the same color again, click the Font Color button without having to open the drop-down list.

Word Office Helper Using the Font dialog box:

You can also apply colors by using the Font dialog box. To get there, choose Format ►Font

To change the color of Microsoft Word fonts text back to normal, select it, click the Font Color drop-down list, and choose Automatic.
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