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Microsoft Word Help - Page Break

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Microsoft Word help with step-by-step on how to add or remove a page break (new page) or section break in your document. Also learn how to handle these different breaks that you can add to your documents.

Word Office Helper What's on this page...
Insert a Page Break
Delete a Page Break
Dividing a Document Into Sections
Delete a Section Break

Insert a Page Break

Microsoft Word help gives you another page so you can keep going when you fill up one page. But what if you're impatient and want to start a new page right away.

Whatever you do, don't press Enter over and over until you fill up the page. Instead, create a page break.

A page break is another way of saying you want to insert a next page into your document in Microsoft Word help.

To create a page break, follow these steps:

1. Place the cursor at the position where the page break should be.

(Make sure that it is on a new line.)
2. Press CTRL + ENTER


Choose Insert ► Break.
  Microsoft Word Help: Break dialog box 
3. From the Break Types option list, select Page Break
4. Click OK

In Normal View, you know when you've inserted a page break because Microsoft Word help you to see the word "Page Break" and two dotted lines instead of a single dotted line at the end of the page.

A page break in Normal View.
Microsoft Word Help: Page break in Normal view

In Print Layout view, you can tell where you inserted a page break, where Microsoft Word help by showing the two pages that are physically divided.

A page break in Print Layout View.
Microsoft Word Help: Page break in Print layout view

Microsoft Word Helper
Q: How do I know in which view my document currently is?

Click View on the menu bar.

Microsoft Word Help: View menu

The view that is selected is the one with the blue square around its icon.

As the example above shows, the view is currently on Print Layout.

Delete a Page Break

To delete a page break in Normal View, click the words Page Break, and press the Delete key.

To change views, click View on the menu bar and choose a different view.

You can also click on one of the Views buttons in the lower-left corner of the screen to change the view.

 Microsoft Word Help: Views buttons Views buttons located at the bottom-left corner of the screen, where the Vertical Ruler and Horizontal Scrollbar meet.
See also... Insert/Remove a Section Break
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