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Excel Workbook | Microsoft Excel XP | Page 3

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Learn step-by-step how to work with your Excel Workbook. Learn how to create a new workbook, and to save, open, close or delete the workbook file.

Excel Office Helper What's on this page...
Create an Empty New Workbook file
Open a Workbook file
Save a Workbook file
Close a Workbook file

Delete a Workbook file

Close A Workbook

After you're finished using an Excel workbook, use any of these methods to close it and free up the memory it uses. (If you haven't saved it since the last time you made any changes, you are prompted to do so).

To close a workbook, use any of the following steps:

Choose FileClose from the menu bar.
Click the Close button in the workbook's title bar on the far right side (or on the menu bar if the workbook is maximized).
  Excel Workbook: Close button Close button
Double-click the Control button in the workbook's title bar at the far left side (or on the menu bar if the workbook is maximized).
  Excel Workbook: Control button Control button
Press CTRL + F4 on the keyboard.
Press CTRL + W on the keyboard.

Excel Office Helper
To close all open workbooks,
press the
SHIFT key and choose the File ► Close All command from the menu bar.

This command only appears when you hold down the SHIFT key while you click the FILE menu.

Excel closes each workbook, prompting you for each unsaved workbook.

Delete A Workbook File

When you no longer need an Excel workbook file, you may want to delete it from your disk to free up space and reduce the number of files displayed in the Open dialog box.

You can delete files using standard Windows techniques, or you can delete files directly from Excel.

To delete workbook files, directly from Excel, follow these steps:

1. Use either the File ► Open command from the menu bar, OR the File ► Save As command from the menu bar.
2. Right-click a filename that you want to delete and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
3. When you're asked to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
Excel Workbook: confirm file delete dialog box

Excel Office Helper
If your system is set-up to use the Recycle Bin, you may be able to recover a file that you deleted accidentally.

Before you empty the Recycle Bin, open it and drag out any items you wish to save.

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See also... Create a New Workbook | Open Workbook | Save Workbook
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Excel XP Topics
- Tips
- Excel Screen Layout
- Navigational Techniques
- Working with Workbooks
- Templates
- Working with Worksheets
- Moving Around
- Move Worksheets
- Copy Worksheets
- Insert & Delete Cells
- Insert & Delete Rows
- Insert & Delete Columns
- Resize Row
- Resize Column
- Editing Data
- Content Color
- Cell Color
- Number Formats
- Fonts
- Alignment
- Text Direction
- Indent Contents
- Merge Cells
- Copy
- Move
- Undo & Redo
- Using Zoom
- Freeze & Unfreeze Titles
- Split Worksheet
- Spreadsheet Data
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- Charts
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- Charting Elements
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- PivotTable
- PivotTable Calculations
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- PivotTable Format
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- Excel to PDF Converter