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Excel Worksheets

Excel Worksheets | Microsoft Excel XP | Page 3

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Learn step-by-step what Excel worksheets are and what to do with them. Learn how to add, rename, move, copy and delete worksheets in a few easy steps.

Excel Office Helper What's on this page...
Working with Worksheets
Adding a New Worksheet
Renaming a Worksheet
Moving a Worksheet

Copying a Worksheet
Deleting a Worksheet

Copying A Worksheet

You can make an exact copy of a worksheet and put it either in its original workbook or in a different workbook in one of two ways.

Excel Office Helper
Dragging with CTRL is the easiest method.

 If necessary, Excel changes the name of the copied sheet to make it unique within the workbook.

For example, if you copy a sheet named Sheet 1 to a workbook that already has a sheet named Sheet 1. Excel changes the name to Sheet 1 (2).
To change the name of a sheet, see Renaming a Worksheet.

Excel Worksheets: Copying Worksheets

Click the Worksheet tab, hold down CTRL and drag the Worksheet tab to a new place.

When you drag the worksheet, a small sheet with a plus sign on it is added to the mouse pointer.

The black-triangle marker shows the new location.

To copy the worksheet tab to another workbook file, follow these steps:

1. Select the sheet that you want to move by clicking the sheet tab.
  You also can move multiple sheets at once by selecting the first Worksheet tab, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and start to click the sheet tabs that you want to move together.

You'll notice that the selected Worksheet tabs are colored white.
2. Choose EditMove or Copy Sheet from the menu bar.
  The Move or Copy dialog box pops up asking you to select the workbook and the new location.
  Excel Worksheets Move or Copy dialog box
3. From the To Book drop-down list, select the Workbook file that you want to move the worksheet to.
4. Click the check box next to Create a copy to have a copy of the worksheet created.
5. Click OK.

Deleting A Worksheet

Deleting a worksheet can give you tears of joy or sorrow!


Excel Office Helper

When you delete a worksheet, it's gone for good.

This is one of the few operations in Excel that can't be undone.

You may want to save a workbook before deleting worksheets. 

Then, if you inadvertently deleted a worksheet, you can revert to the saved version.

You can delete a worksheet in one of two ways:

Click on the worksheet tab and choose EditDelete Sheet from the menu bar.
Right-click on the worksheet tab name and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.

In either case, Excel asks you to confirm the fact that you want to delete the sheet.

Excel Worksheets confirm deletion dialog box

Every workbook must have at least one sheet so, if you try to delete the only sheet, Excel complains.

Excel Office Helper To select multiple sheets to delete, press CTRL while clicking the sheet tabs that you want to delete.

To select a group of contiguous sheets, click the first sheet tab, press and hold SHIFT, and then click the last sheet tab.

If you know how your Excel worksheets works, then you have a very good starting foundation for Excel.
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See also... Add Worksheet | Rename or Move Worksheet
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- Working with Worksheets
- Moving Around
- Move Worksheets
- Copy Worksheets
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