1. |
Click the Office button at the top-left
corner of the screen. |
Office button |
2. |
Point to the arrow next to Print and click on
Print Preview from the expanded menu. |
Your document is displayed in Print Preview with a new toolbar
at hand. |
3. |
From the Page Setup option group you can
change the margins, orientation and paper size as needed. Since
you are in Print Preview you can see exactly how your changes will
affect the document before it's printed. |
4. |
In Print Preview you can use the Zoom options
to view your document pages better. |
5. |
Remove or add the checkmark to Show Ruler. |
6. |
You'll notice that your mouse pointer is a small magnifying
glass. This allows you to zoom in or out with the mouse. If you
want to have the normal mouse pointer, click on the check box next
to Magnifier to return your mouse to its old
self. |
7. |
If you want to make the document smaller by just one page,
click on Shrink One Page to tell Word to change
the line spacing or font size so that the whole document will be
one page less. |
8. |
Once your happy with what you see, you can click on the
Print button. If you want to exit the Print
Preview without wanting to print, then click on the Close
Print Preview button. |